Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So You Think You Can Read!

Well latest obsession. Yes it's So You Think You Can Dance time. Cute dancers, drunk judges, you know the drill. Let's take a look at the Top 5 guys, shall we? Sorry ladies...

First is Dmitry. He seems to have a knack of showing his chest a lot. Hey, if you got it, sell it! He'll be gone by next week though. Enjoy the abs while you can...

Next is Benji. He seems like a lot of fun. My current favorite, but just barely. He's got that whole "nice religious boy" thing going on. Sorry love, I don't buy it. I'm sure he's a ho!

Then there's Ivan. I think he's really 12 or something. He tries hard, but the prize of the competition is to work for Celine Dion in Vegas. I don't see him on stage with her. She'd be all "Geet shaky legs off my stage, don't you realize I am Celine Dion?" Probably followed by a chest pound. Next...

G-G-G-GAY!! Ryan is more feminine than any of the girl dancers. And Celine will not have anyone on stage trying to out diva her! You'll be gone soon Ryan dear.

Then there's Travis. Me like Travis! He's bendy! He knows when to flirt, when to fake cry, and when to pose. Hmm, he just may be Celine Dion in man drag.

Honorable Mention Judges:

Mia. "Botox is my friend". Girlfriend is just plain scary.

Mary. "Someone refill my whiskey quick, I'm starting to make sense!" She's drunk, so I love her!

Nigel. It's good to see the Crypt Keeper got another job. That HBO money ran out long ago! Oh and Nigel, we know, you're the executive producer. Can you stop mentioning that every 10 minutes already!!

Now let me get back to my speed dialing votes for Benji and Travis. You go girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.